Breakdown Train Trauma!

Well my latest project, or the one I was going to have to address sooner or later is this monster. I hope one day it will have a bit more detail on it and be painted yellow to match its coaches. It will take a while to get right and to get as much detail in as I can.

I’d like to take the credit for much of this but the main kit of parts (the black bits) was sent to me by someone who has done a great job of cutting all the pieces out for me and his help and been invaluable. (Cheers! You know who you are!)

Well there’s still lots to do. I need to source other bits such as axle boxes etc. so come back again at some point to see how it’s all holding up!

On the Fiddle!

You don’t need to be that clever to realise that O gauge requires a lot of space. While I like my O gauge layout being in my garage, I am only able to have the scenic section on display as I don’t have a room in excess of 20 ft long to join it to its fiddle yard. Well to be honest up till now, I haven’t even had a fiddle yard for the layout. But hey, that’s no longer the case!

I had collected the two 2ft x 4ft baseboards some time ago from Tim Horn who doesn’t live that far away from me , but I hadn’t done much on them…Until now that its.

I have to be honest. I gave my long suffering wife some prior warning to say I needed these two boards to go up in the back part of our lounge as they wouldn’t fit in the garage, trust me, I tried!

So here (above) was the first board in the garage still while I sorted positions for the points and power feeds. It’s not pretty, but it works!

I’m sorry, I didn’t take a picture when I had finished laying tracks so these two are from roughly the same stage. that is, the first two long lines in place and one of the next tracks fixed down. I have always found a good going of PVA holds track down well with the bonus that water will always help you lift the track if needed.

The track was laid across the two boards which were bolted tightly together. The wiring was then added and only after that stage was a dremel type cutter used to cut the track across the board joins. And it all worked!


well not quite, due to the space taken up by the points, I really wanted the tracks to be a bit longer so eventually there will be another 2ft x 2ft board added on the end with just straight tracks added. This will enable me to run the longer trains into the station and goods area.


Something cool to go with some yellow coaches!

Stay safe
