My new Blog… Welcome!

Hi!  Welcome to my new blog. This is a new adventure for me as I’ve never ever showed my modelling off like this before. I was lucky enough to have my last layout – an N Gauge BR blue era layout – featured in Model Rail a year or so ago, however, I did not write the full text for this feature and the magazine made a conscious effort to avoid talking about how various parts of this layout were built, primarily because this has been done and continues to be done in so many monthly model railway articles.

In the last year or so, I have formed very important relationships with two fellow O gauge modellers, Graham Minshull and Kelvin Barnes.

I had seen Kelvin’s layouts for many years on the local exhibition circuit where I lived and always felt that they were head and shoulders above anything else on offer. They were not the biggest, but the quality of the layouts and the detail on every part of them including the engines and stock surpassed anything around. Quite simply, they were stunning.

It was only a year or so ago that this interest in his layouts developed into a more meaningful relationship after he was kind enough to acknowledge some of my abilities as represented in the George Street magazine article. This lead on to me being invited to help him operate one of his layouts at a local exhibition. Kelvin’s layouts are always in demand and was keen to accept my offer of help with the operation of his layouts. I loved his layouts so jumped at the chance to play trains with like-minded people. What a dream!


Kelvin has an excellent blog: and this is by no means a competition. If it was, I would lose because the quality of his work is incredible and his site is well established. It was however, Kelvin who encouraged me to start a blog to show off my talents and show some of my work off to a wider audience. So welcome to this blog. It doesn’t have a lot of content yet. However, it will grow and it will include more features on my layout and it’s stock and how the building of my layout is coming along.


The Princes Street coal depot.

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